Wood-burning kitchen cooker
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Reasons to buy a Häussler wood-burning kitchen cooker
With a Häussler Eco-alpine cooker, you are deciding on first-class equipment without additional costs for a bio-firing, a fire protection unit, an outdoor air intake, the front cooker bar and a polished steel cooktop are already standard in our models.
Our Eco-alpine cookers offer other standard benefits for you in addition to the naturally cosy warmth of a wood-burning kitchen cooker: all cookers have as standard equipment an integrated 50 mm wide fire-protection unit on both sides, which enables a safe furniture installation and extension.
In addition all the cookers can be adjusted in height from 85 to 91 cm by means of threaded feet. The chimney connection is also variable with these quality cookers: the chimney connecting piece can be moved on the rear horizontally up to 40 mm and vertically up to 20 mm. Laterally, it can be moved up to 20 mm.
An outdoor air intake enables use also in low energy houses. A combustion air intake via an opened window is therefore no longer necessary.
With a Häussler cooker, you get the highest quality, cosy warmth and complete independence in your house and have at the same time the opportunity to prepare the best dishes.
For the sake of the environment
All plants require carbon dioxide (CO2) for their growth. During combustion, wood gives off as much CO2 as it previously stored as a tree. It doesn’t matter whether the wood is burned or rots in the forest – the CO2 emission always remains the same! The released amount of carbon dioxide is absorbed again by growing trees. Heating with wood thus corresponds to the “natural eco-circulation” and doesn’t contribute to the greenhouse effect. The small quantity of wood ash resulting from combustion is an ideal fertiliser for your garden, since it contains numerous minerals. Häussler cookers are technically so sophisticated that they extract the best energy values from each piece of wood.
Heating with wood allows complete independence from fossil fuels. Wood is a renewable resource and is also an economical, crisis-resistant supplier of energy. Wood is the most secure fuel of the future.
Cosy warmth – delicious food
Anyone who has already heated with wood knows the cosy and soothing warmth that emanates from it. The crackling and popping in the cooker creates a cosy, relaxing atmosphere and improves the feeling of well-being. When the food is sizzling on the cooker and perhaps cake is baking at the same time in the oven, you feel reminded of grandma’s time. And all that with the latest, innovative technology.
Standard benefits
Draught system
Temperature display
Cast iron doors
Air regulator
Polished cooktop
Fire splitter with Eco-alpine 50 & 60
Heating damper starting with Eco-alpine 70
Ceran cooktop (for an additional charge)
Eco-alpine customised cooker
According to your desires and ideas
Pure individuality, warmth and complete aesthetic pleasure – our customised cooker!
We want to show you here with these examples how variously a cooker can be designed and still be in accord with the intended
economical heat purposes.
The illustrated cookers are only a few examples of the various options. We would be happy to manufacture a cooker according to your desires and ideas. With a customised cooker, there are no limits set to your imagination; it is customised and thus fits into any kitchen.
Example combination customised cooker (picture above)
Dimensions: 1525 mm wide, 800 mm deep and 860 mm high. With an an oven, a niche for wood storage as well as a decorative niche and a wide base drawer.
The door cladding and cooker edging as well as the cooker bar are made of non-corrosive stainless steel.
Price on request.